Reap the Rewards of High Productivity

The term productivity in essence captures our goal of improvement. Productivity has earned recognition as the key to personal and business, progress, success and even survival. It is vital in today’s competitive world. Regardless of your business or career productivity is the force that propels. It represents continued improvement. It’s often said that “time is money” so consider these practices to improve your productivity.


1)        Consistently concentrate on high priority activity. The best way to be effective is to identify those high priority activities and do them first! All too often we gravitate towards the “easy” things which may take less time then the larger more consuming projects and fail to accomplish those goals deemed most important. Think of time in units. A professional speaker and entrepreneur, Nido Qubein measures time in 5 minute units. In his business, High Point University and Harvest Bread Company employees and associates request units from Mr. Qubein in 5 minute increments. How many units might you be consuming on low priority activities? Typically a good portion of one’s day is consumed in activities outside of our most important goals and aspirations.


2)        Exercise self-discipline. Self-discipline enables you to stay focused on your task and work until it is complete. Consistently ask yourself “What is my top priority?” If you refuse to let little distractions, interruptions or happenings of the moment take you away from your concentration, your results will multiply. Typically low priority activities include:

·      Sorting and opening mail

·      Low priority telephone calls

·      Being a “slave” to e-mails (Checking your e-mails constantly)

·      Unnecessary interruptions

·      Personal distractions (i.e., surfing the net)

·      Idle chatter


3)        Be consistent. Set definite goals. Plan carefully and concentrate on the actions necessary to meet your goals.


4)        Get started. The best way to guarantee completion of a project is to start it NOW. Avoid the tendency to procrastinate. Be pro-active. Like Nike says “Just Do It”. Strive for results not perfection. “Inch by inch anything’s a cinch”. Set aside a reasonable amount of time to accomplish a specific task then stick to your deadline. Do not let interruptions occur. Politely and professionally inform individuals who approach you that you are working on a deadline and will communicate with them at a later time. Use appropriate voice tones and demonstrate empathy but stick to your plan. There is strength in one’s ability to say no.


Time is our greatest commodity. Use it wisely and reap the rewards.


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